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  • 1.0um光纤强度调制器,带宽10/20GHz, 法国iXblue/Photline

1.0um光纤强度调制器,带宽10/20GHz, 法国iXblue/Photline

本光纤强度调制器, 工作于980~1150nm波段, 典型1060nm(另有0.8um和0.95um, 1.3um可选), 带宽10/20GHz典型带宽可选, 具有低半波电压,低插损特点, 输入输出光纤类型可选. 适用于载波抑制, 光纤传感, 量子光学, 脉冲产生, 以及1060nm波段强度调制等应用.


本光纤强度调制器, 工作于980~1150nm波段, 典型1060nm(另有0.8um和0.95um, 1.3um可选), 带宽10/20GHz典型带宽可选, 具有低半波电压,低插损特点, 输入输出光纤类型可选. 适用于载波抑制, 光纤传感, 量子光学, 脉冲产生, 以及1060nm波段强度调制等应用.

General Descriptions

The NIR-MX-LN series are an intensity modulator especially designed for operation in the 1000 nm wavelength band.

This Mach-Zehnder modulator offers engineers working in the 1000 nm the intrinsic and unparalleled benefits of LiNbO3 external modulation : high bandwidth, high contrast up to 30 dB and beyond, ease of use. Thanks to iXBlue Technologies proprietary waveguide process, the NIR-MX-LN exhibits a stable behaviour and supports several tens mW of input optical power.


  • High extinction ratio: >30dB
  • X-cut for high stability
  • Low insertion loss, Low Vπ
  • High optical power handling


  • Carrie suppression
  • Pulse generation / picking
  • Fiber optics sensors
  • Pulse applications
  • Analog transmission

Optical and Electrical Characteristics

Intensity ModulatorPart Number
Operating Wavelengthnm980~1150
Electro-Optical BandwidthGHz1218
Vpi RF@50KHzV4.56
Vpi RF@High Data RateV5.5@10Gbps7@20Gbps
DC Extinction RatiodB20/25/30
Optical Insertion LossdB3.53.5
Optical Return LossdB45
RF Input ImpedanceOhm5050
CrystalX Cut, Y Propagation

Ordering information


BW = Bandwidth: 10 10 GHz 20 20 GHz

XX = Internal photodiode: 00 Not integrated PD PD Integrated

Y = Input fiber: P Polarization maintaining S Standard single mode

Z = Output fiber: P Polarization maintaining S Standard single mode

AB = Output connector: 00 bare fiber FA FC/APC FC FC/SPC

CD = Output connector: 00 bare fiber FA FC/APC FC FC/SPC

Note: optical connectors are Senko with narrow key or equivalent

xxdB = Extinction ratio: 20 20 dB 25 25dB 30 30dB