DP-QPSK Hybrid, Kylia COH28, 90 Deg. Optical Dual Polarization Hybrid To be used for optical coherent detection such as DP-QPSK receivers, Kylia’s ten-port 2×8 Coherent Mixer (aka QPSK mixer) combines the incoming signal with a ...
QPSK Hybrid, Kylia COH24 Series, 90 Deg. Optical Hybrid To be used for optical coherent detection, including QPSK receiver, Kylia’s six-port 90° Optical Hybrid mixes the incoming signal with the reference signal to generate four...
DQPSK解调器又名光学延迟线干涉仪, 可根据用户需求定制FSR固定或可调, 以及ER, Phase等参数和功能. DQPSK Demodulator, Optoplex DI-C0KLCC002, FSR Customizable. Optoplex’s Optical DQPSK demodulator converts differential quadratural phase ...
DPSK解调器又名光学延迟线干涉仪, 可根据用户需求定制FSR固定或可调, 以及ER, Phase等参数和功能. DPSK Demodulator, Kylia, Delay Line Interferometer, FSR Customizable. Optical DPSK Demodulator, also known as Delay Line Interferomet...