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  • 偏压控制器 MBC-MZM 专为铌酸锂电光强度调制器设计

偏压控制器 MBC-MZM 专为铌酸锂电光强度调制器设计

本偏压控制器适用于MZ型的铌酸锂电光调制器, 令调制器工作在Null, Peak, Q+或Q-点, 以及任意工作点,  可使电光调制器工作在最佳线性区,  可应用于数字或模拟的调制器. 因此该款调制器不仅适合于CATV, ROF等模拟传输系统, 以及传统的数字光通信领域, 也可用于脉冲调制的应用.


本偏压控制器适用于MZ型的铌酸锂电光调制器, 令调制器工作在Null, Peak, Q+或Q-点, 以及任意工作点,  可使电光调制器工作在最佳线性区,  可应用于数字或模拟的调制器. 因此该款调制器不仅适合于CATV, ROF等模拟传输系统, 以及传统的数字光通信领域, 也可用于脉冲调制的应用.

Modulator bias controller is specially designed for Mach-Zehnder modulators to ensure a stable operation state in various operating environments. Based on its fully digitized signal processing method, the controller can provide ultra stable performance.

The controller injects a low frequency, low amplitude dither signal together with bias voltage into the modulator. It keeps reading the output from the modulator and determines the condition of the bias voltage and the related error. A new bias voltage will be applied afterwords according to the previous measurement. In this way, the modulator is ensured to work under proper bias voltage.


• Bias voltage control on Peak/Null/Q+/Q-

• Bias voltage control on arbitrary point

• Ultra precise control: 50dB maximum1 extinction ratio on Null mode;  ±0.5°accuracy on Q+ and Q- modes

• Low dither amplitude: 0.1% Vπat NULL mode and PEAK mode; 2% Vπ at Q+ mode and Q- mode

• High stability: with fully digital implementation

• Low profile: 40mm(W) _ 30mm(D) _ 12mm(H)

• Easy to use: Manual operation with mini jumper; Flexible OEM operations through MCU UART2

• Two different modes to provide bias voltage: a. Automatic bias control; b. User defined bias voltage


• LiNbO3 and other MZ modulators

• Digital NRZ, RZ

• Pulse applications

• Brillouin scattering system and other optical sensors

• CATV Transmitter